New games on the making, RPG, Board Games, VR and more.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out to know about incoming play-test or feedbacks

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  • Hello, you are?

    Mobile party game

    Questions, questions, questions! An adapted version of Apple to Apple: play through 3 decks of increasing intimacy, share and discover new things about yourself and each others.


    “A great way to spend time together”

    “Finally something new to do with my friends”

    “These questions are good!”

    3 - 8 players

    30 minutes

  • Outside the City Walls

    RPG social deduction game loosely inspired by Italo Calvino’s Invisible Cities

    It’s evening outside the walls of the Capital and after a day of business you get ready to have a good sleep and leave to your next commercial venture. Other travelers joins you around the fire bringing theirs stories and a bad says that the most famous robber of the Capital is between you disguised as a traveller.

    Everybody is tired but it make sense to spend some time chatting about old travels and the cities of the empire otherwise you will wake up with nothing but your dress.

    4-5 players

    20-45 minutes

    Beta version available in english (5.1) and italian (5.0)

  • The House of Asterion (designed with Lucas Yasunaga)

    VR experience inspired by Jorge Borges short story “The House of Asterion”

    You’re lost in a labyrinth, all the rooms looks the same, an dark sky blocks your spirit to fade away, a grave voice suggest a story that you can’t understand. Look around and inside you.

    1 player

    15 minutes

  • Geology

    Geology is a playlist of physical game where you simulate the meditative experience of inanimate objects.

    Empathy is one of the most important techniques that humans have developed to take care of each other, so my question for this work was “How can we be more empathic with rocks and mountains? How can we develop a relationship that goes further then the spectacularization of tourism, or the fascination of collectionism?”

    “Mountain” the first game of the series is a game that ask the player to move extremely slowly and simulate the erosion of millions of years entering a mental state of calm and relaxation.

    The game in based on a Adafruit circuit playground Express module, Arduino code and Feldenkrais Method movement techniques that I tested together with Sari Weissbard, Feldenkrais specialist based in Baltimore, US.

    Adafruit Circuit Playground Express

    Heavy Download (800MB)

  • Monster Parade (with Jason Corace)

    Tabletop family game

    It’s 12 nights before MidWinter and the friendly forest monsters are going on parade! If you can attract them to your village and collect enough monster idols you will have prosperity in the new year!

    2-4 players (8+)

    30 minutes

    Character design by Aya Kakeda


Interactive Fiction


Generative Arts